All the way from the United States and judging the Nue solo finals on the 15th October we welcome

Anthony Ridenhour Aka Vocodah 

Check out his Nue Quick five below.

Tickets available now from Skiddle..

Nue Quick five 

What was the main reason/moment you went from boots and cats to pro beatbox?

Watching 2012 World Champs videos when they came out!

Any cool plans for this year?

Mainly judging and hosting events!

Your funniest beatbox experience?

2016 Midwest was one of the most fun and funniest times because I met a lot of my Beatbox friends from online for the first time.

What 1 beatboxer and 1 non-beatboxer would you most like to collaborate with?

Codfish / Loaded Lux

Please try to phonetically spell your favourite beatbox sound 


Nue beatbox finals is supported by Art’s Council England and sponsored by Shure microphones..