Many artists couldn’t make our event last year due to Covid 🚽🚽

Well we going to bringing some of last year’s planned artists to take part in this year’s shenanigans including the one they call  ThatBlokeWilson.

Check out our Creative community collective event he will be painting at by clicking here

Nue Quick five 

Tell us a little more about yourself and how you started painting?

I’m from Birmingham and have always drawn or painted in some way since I was little. I spent a lot of time in the car on long car journeys to and from Wales growing up so I used that time reading comics, drawing and listening to music as the internet wasn’t a thing back then. I’ve done it ever since.

Best place you have painted?

The best place I’ve painted would probably be upfest. You can’t match the atmosphere there and the crowds are huge and supportive. I love Bristol too so it’s a bonus its held there.

Any Big plans for the year?

The season is just gearing up now that the weather has improved but a lot of events still aren’t going ahead until 2022 sadly. I have a few online things planned with Artgecko and I’ve applied for the Illustration World champs in August as well so fingers crossed they select me to compete again. I’ve just finished exhibiting at the Ikon and have another exhibition called ‘Street spotted’ taking place in July so that should be a great opportunity to get back in to the swing of things.

Tell us the funniest thing when out painting?

I remember painting at Upfest and getting lost in my painting for a couple of hours. When I started, there was no one there but when I turned round there were literally hundreds of people all watching me paint! It was mental.

Anyone who you would like to collaborate with?

Any of the Birmingham lot. We’re a close knit little group and hang out with each other regularly at events like dead
