Joining us for the first time in 2022 we welcome Spray Saint to Nue who will paint at our Creative community event July 23rd .
Check out his Nue Quick five below.
Tell us a little about yourself and what got you started painting ?
– My Dad introduced me the the world of old school hip hop and graffiti when I was around 11 years old, I was always into drawing so he knew I’d love it and he was right. I got hooked on drawing and painting graffiti letter styles, which I did for many years. I get bored easily so was always changing names and styles and never really stuck with one. So I began painting murals instead and developed my own style which is a mixture of the things I love to paint. A mixture of realism with bright coloured abstract shapes.
Best place you have painted?
– I love to paint anywhere really, whether it’s an abandoned building or a public wall on a high street. It’s the act of painting that I enjoy the most rather than the location. I would love to travel abroad and paint some time though for sure.
Any big plans for this year ?
– I paint Murals for a living, So I have plenty of super cool projects lined up throughout the year. Also some other cool paint jams coming up too like Cheltenham Paint Festival and Southend City Jam.
Tell us your funniest moments when out painting ?
– I think the funniest things are the little comments that people make while you’re out painting. When you’re literally stood in front of a wall with a spraycan in hand and mask on. And someone comes over and says “wow, are you painting that?”. I know it’s just a way of starting a conversation but it does make me giggle.
Anyone who you would like to collaborate with?
-Too many to mention really! I’d love to paint alongside @studiogiftig or @smugone though for sure, those guys are some of my biggest inspirations right now and I think I’d learn a lot. I’m happy to paint with anyone though to be honest. If they’re down to earth and love to paint and have a laugh then I’m down!