We will be welcoming Paul kneen to Tamworth on the 17th July when he makes his Nue Debut..

Nue quick five

Tell us little about yourself and what got you started painting?

I’ve painted, for as a long as I can remember, but it was always a side-line/hobby. When I moved to London many moons ago my eyes were opened to the street art scene and I realised that art could actually say something about the world we live in. This really sparked something inside me and since then a lot of my work focuses on the injustices that prevail in modern day society.
In the last 2 years I decided to throw everything into my art and went full time setting up creativefolk.co.uk, an art website offering not only my work but the work of other talented artists.

Best place you have painted?

Although I’ve been painting for many years, it’s always been behind closed doors. In 2019 I decided to take the plunge and had my first ‘outdoor’ experience at the Cheltenham Paint Festival. I have to be honest it was quite a nerve wrecking experience to begin with, but meeting all the lovely visitors and hearing their positive feedback certainly helped calm those nerves. I’m really looking forward to painting at Tamworth and pushing myself.

Any big plans for this year?

Just world domination so nothing too big 😊

Tell us your funniest moments when out painting?

I once visited a club in London, got very drunk and accidently walked into someone, or at least I thought that’s what happened. I immediately apologised, then looked up to realise I’d actually walked into a full length mirror and apologised to my own reflection. Absolutely nothing to do with painting but it still amuses me.

Anyone who you would like to collaborate with?

There’s so many incredible artists out there and I don’t mean just street artists, such as Conor Harrington, My Dog Sighs, JPS, Guy Denning, Christian Hook, DANK etc. I’d love to work with all of them. I’d be happy just doing the donkey work of passing the cans or cleaning their brushes just to have the opportunity to draw out as much knowledge as I could from them 😊

Visit creativefolk.co.uk here

Get more info on July 17th