Finally making his Nue Debut on the 17th July is Lisk Bot …

Nue Quick five

Tell us a little more about yourself and what got you started painting?

Living in walsall, there was lots of abandoned factory to go explore, once i found graffiti by Skock1, Korsa, risk, skank and chu. It blew my young mind totally inspiring work, made me want to paint with cans.

Best place you have painted?

Best place to paint is by the sea, or classic sun on your back canal side.

Any Big plans ?

  I like making stickers, big fan of panini sticker books, just released the first liskbot sticker poster & sticker packs. Next project is a 18 page robot sticker book.

Tell us the funniest moment when out painting?

 Always like telling the story when me and 15 others got chased off London’s elephant and castle abandoned housing projects. As were being gathered by security. Someone shouted NOW! all ran in different directions, on a bus, round a corner, into a pub, over a fence. Cans flying everywhere.

Anyone you would like to collaborate with?

I’m a big fan of sunb23 and RWK (robots will kill) would love a ultimate robot collab.