Joining us with his Crew on the 24th July and his first Nue appearance we welcome Kid Crayon

Nue Quick five

Tell us a little about yourself and what got you started painting ?

I’m kid crayon and I’m an illustrator based in Bristol.I mainly paint with Spzero. We are in a two man crew called ‘Eat’ , but Im also a member of ‘Gums and Tongue’ and ‘TMH’. I’ve been painting my whole life, but started painting under the name Kid Crayon in 2014.

Best place you have painted?

I’ve painted quite a few places around the globe, but Mexico was probably the most exciting place ive painted; mainly because of the destination and the fun stuff I got up to when I wasn’t painting. I’ve never painted somewhere so hot, it was a bit too hard to handle sometimes and I went in the winter.

Any big plans for this year ?

I have few things planned this year but I’m mainly just working away in the studio getting ready for a solo show- which I’m hoping will take place at the end of the year. 🤞

Tell us your funniest moments when out painting ?

I wish my memory was better as I’m sure there’s plenty of funny moments…a few years back me and a mate spent a couple months hitchhiking around Europe. We spent most of the time drinking and painting. There were a few points on the trip I thought we were gonna die. Getting picked up and dropped off in the middle of nowhere.Sleeping in bushes, sneaking on trains, loosing my wallet and phone and not having a clue where I was…on top of our hucking bags we also dragged a heavy-ass bag of paint around with us so we could hit spots along the way.

Anyone you would like to collaborate with?

To be honest these days I find it hard enough to paint with my mates, because we’re all so much busier than we were when we were starting out. I’m hoping that I can take advantage of the summer and paint a bit more with the crew .