Nue beatbox finals 2022

Loop Judge Announcement.

Brandon Kirwin aka Balance!

 Two time UK loopstation champion 2017 and 2018, as well as vice champ at the GRAND BEATBOX BATTLE 2017.

Will be  joining our Global Judge loop panel on the 15 the October at Attik Nightclub Tamworth.

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Funded by Arts council England

Nue Quick five

What was the main reason/moment you went from boots and cats to pro beatbox?

I just thought it was really fun, and my first competition I went to there was looping and from then I knew that’s what I wanted to do.

Any cool plans for this year?

I’m getting Married. Pretty cool.

Your funniest beatbox experience?

Playing odds… In an airport.

What 1 beatboxer and 1 non-beatboxer would you most like to collaborate with?

Probably Tom Thumb and Mia Khalifa.

Please try to phonetically spell your favourite beatbox sound



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