Another fresh artist to join us this year is Adam Illes  making his Nue debut on the 17th July .

Check out his Nue quick five ..

Tell us a little about yourself and what got you started painting ? 

My name is Adam Illes, I am a self taught artist from Hungary. I currently live in Birmingham.
After finishing high school I decided not to go to any university, or college, but
travel and explore what life can offer on my own. I let the the Universe guide me,
and life be my master. That is how I discovered my inner artist, and have managed to keep that fire burning still.
Lately I have started experimenting and working more and more with geometric shapes,
blended into realistic portraits, eyes and other parts of the human face.
There is something mystical about it.

Best place you have painted ?

Memphis, TN was definitely one to remember.

Any big plans for this year ?

Manage to bring my first ever exhibition is on the top of the list for sure, but I am looking forward to the festival season to showcase my work, and connect with other fantastic talents.

Tell us your funniest moments when out painting ?

Cant just single out a memory. When the vibes are high, you know you are at the right time at the right place.

Anyone who you would like to collaborate with ?

I am fortunate enough to have a few project underway, but a dream collab would definitely be with @digitaldoes

Thank you for this quick interview. I appreciate you having me involved in this event.

Looking forward to it.

Find out more about the 17th July event hear