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New urban era to launch its Creative Community Tamworth in July
New urban era to launch its Creative Community Tamworth project this month.
After receiving funding from Arts council England Nue is set to launch its 2022 projects this July .
Creative Community Tamworth will be a six month project of events and workshops across Tamworth and surrounding villages.
Starting at North Warwickshire recreational center on the 23rd July where there will be 30 live visual artists painting to a Heroes and villains theme that will be accompanied by cosplay group Central Legion.
Summer holidays workshops in partnership with Staffordshire Space scheme take place for Tamworth residents aged between 8 & 17 from 28th July until 2nd August who can enjoy lessons in Beatboxing, Breakdance,DJ skills, Spray can art and Virtual reality DJ. Tamworth residents can book free spaces from this Link
On the 7th August Nue will return to Tamworth Brewing company for it’s over 18’s event that will include live doodle club with artist Korp,Live art by artist N4T4 and virtual reality workshops.
Schools are also being asked to get creative and be part of this year’s Environmental arts festivals Recyclable arts sculpture trail that will be displayed at the event happening on the 10th and 11th September, The event will also include yoga classes,Trapeze workshops and performances, Circus skills, environmental art workshops ,Live art and music .
Vic Brown from New Urban Era says
” We are really looking forward to launching this year’s Creative Community Tamworth project,Our aim is to get as many local people as possible to engage in the arts and have worked tirelessly to make this happen, We are still waiting on confirmation from Tamworth council on a number of our plans but once confirmed we will be eager to get those off the ground also”
If this isn’t enough the Nue Beatbox finals will take place at Atik Nightclub on the 15th October and feature a global panel of judges who will also showcase at the event.
We are Angel’s project that was projected onto Tamworth castle in 2021 is set to return for the festive season. Nue are asking local schools and community groups to get involved in the project that will be showcased at Tamworth assembly rooms.
Creative community Tamworth is funded by Arts Council England, Tamworth Borough council and private sponsorship.
Victor Brown2024-01-12T17:18:13+00:00
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